Falmouth LETS events and people

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LETS is a way of exchanging goods & services with other people in the community without the need for money.

Local Exchange Trading Schemes help regenerate communities and rebuild the local economy. There are many LETS Schemes running successfully throughout the world.

LETS - Thinking globally, acting locally.

Local LETS is run by and for local people creating wealth that stays within the area. It puts people in touch with a great variety of resources & skills.
Exchange LETS is based on the idea of barter, but it is more flexible, and much more effective as there's no need to find a 1-to-1 exchange.
Trading LETS uses cashless trading. Wealth is created directly through trade, no interest is charged and everybody benefits equally.
Scheme LETS is a not-for-profit unincorporated membership club. Everybody has skills and someone out there needs yours!
Falmouth LETS members and events

Falmouth LETS was formed late in 1993 and grew rapidly providing all the benefits of LETS for the surrounding area. Its unit of exchange is known as the "Palm".

We are in contact with other LETS operating in Cornwall, and are a member of LETS Link UK, the national coordinating agency for LETS Schemes.

Who is joining? Anyone and everyone; individuals, charities, organisations, businesses. Falmouth LETS is open to anyone in the local community - all kinds of skills are welcome and needed.

To join Falmouth LETS

CLICK HERE for more information and an application form

Making friends: LETS Schemes offer many social as well as economic benefits. In Falmouth we hold regular group meetings and LETS get-togethers and hope to encourage a variety of community enterprises.

LETS cartoon by Belle Benfield